Today Apple just announced the “The new iPad”. On the surface it looks just like the iPad 2, including the classic home button, but the internal hardware has been upgraded quite a bit. First thing you will notice is the new retina display giving a 2,048 x 1,536 resolution, and the CPU have also been upgraded to a dual-core Apple A5X. (The speed of this is not yet clear however).
Apple also announced it will sell the iPad 2 alongside the new iPad, and the price for the iPad 2 will drop to $399. At this price level it can better compete with a lot of new mid-range tablets that has come out at a lower price point, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus and Amazons Kindle Fire. The strategy to sell the new iPad along side the iPad 2 can be a bit risky in the current financial climate, and could possible effect the sale figures for the new device in a negative way. If have been thinking about buying an iPad 2, but felt it was to expensive, you now just might buy this instead of the “new iPad”. It also depends on what you intend to use your new tablet for, do you need a dual core processor to browse the web?